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Series: Ramadan (4 Sessions)


By the will of Allah, Noor Allah Productions presents the long awaited Ramadan Series. More videos to be added...


Session 1: Ramadan Part 1

Da'ee Ahmed Moait begins with an opening session for Ramadan to introduce the Muslim to the basic concepts of this holy month which have been drowned in a sea of our own cultural diseases/habits.

Duration: 1hr 10mins

Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality.

Session 2: Journey to the Purpose and Treasure of Ramadan

Ramadan-Purpose, goal, meaning, understanding & comprehending for fasting in the day time. Prayer and supplicate at night time to gain the forgiveness and the pleasure of Allah. Question between ritual with no meaning; ritual with meaning and wisdom.

Duration: 1hr 19mins

Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality.

Session 3: Before & After Ramadan - Look & Compare your Vision & Goal

Stop, look and compare yourself before, during and after. Ask yourself, Where am I? What will I gain from Ramadan? And What I am leaving Ramadan with? COME, LISTEN, THINK. Contemplate and see yourself in the mirror of Ramadan : The real picture of you will show up after Ramadan

Duration: 1hr 09mins

Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality.


Session 4: Are you ready for the road to Jannah?

Now is the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of Quran. The beginning of a new journey, the journey of the message, the journey to the message, the journey to carry the message, the journey to Jannah-PARADISE. ARE YOU READY?

Duration: 1hr 12mins

Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality.

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