Try a Video Series:
From Darkness to Light (11)
Dawah (Invitation) to Allah (3)
Family Series (8)
HAJJ (4)
Different Holidays and What They Mean (3)
Important Manners & Issues that Have Been Forgotten (7)
The Life of Messengers and Prophets (14)
JINN (2)
The Condition of the Ummah- Where are We Going? (16)
Da'ee Ahmed Moait Overseas (7)
Queens College - Open Dialogue (12)
Journey in the Valley of the Qur'an (4)
Our Journey of Building a Muslim and Muslima- The Nucleus of the Muslim Ummah (18)
Why I Became Muslim? A Message From New Muslims (3)
Jewels and Wisdom- Journey in the Revelation of the Qur'an (16)
Message of the Message (1)
The Final Chapter (6)
Ramadan Series (1)
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An Audio collection of many important lectures.
Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.
Breaking addictions and why we must!!
Breaking addictions and why we must!!
Do you know the amount of good deeds to follow and pray the the Salat-Ul-Janaza?
Do you know the amount of good deeds to follow and pray the the Salat-Ul-Janaza?
How wud I get the tawfeek to answer in my grave?
Assalaamualaikum ya shaikh. ....death is so close to us that I see many people who I lived with, are no more....it is just a matter of a single moment.....when I heard ur dua u send for the brother who died....I was asking myself who wud make duas for me.....how wud I get the tawfeek to answer in my grave...ya Allah ya Allah death is so real and I need to struggle now to get relief later....jazakhAllah khairan for the beautiful and meaningful duas
What if the person whose janaza it is, a sinner ?
What if the person whose janaza it is, a sinner ?
Who will cry of my grave and who will make Dua for me?
Who will cry of my grave and who will make Dua for me?
What about us women, how can we get all this from Allah?
Assalamu alaikum shaikh, you were talking about the humongous reward as big as mount uhud for those who participate in salatul Janazah, and there on following the funeral to the grave... I know Allah is the most generous... What about us women, how can we get all this from Allah?