Post Your

Oh Non-Muslims!!!
"Please Pardon Us, Forgive Us, And Don’t Look At Us. We Are Sick People! We’ve Inherited A Lot Of Sickness, Not From Islam But From Our Background, Our Culture, Our Habits, And From Being Far Away From Our Own Belief"
"What you’ve seen and
what you’ve heard about Islam
and Muslims is far away from the truth.
This is because the majority of Muslims today
aren't in a state of Islam; they aren't in
a state of embracing their own faith!"
It is also due to the mixing of religion, politics, power struggles, and fighting between seen and unseen forces with different agendas to corrupt the message- by both Muslims and Non-Muslims, either intentionally or unintentionally.
What Is Your Duty?
"Your duty towards yourself is to first of all seek the knowledge of the message, the messenger and the revelation and to mask your eyes from what is known as “Muslim dos and don'ts.”
We Have The Final Revelation
And It Is Your Job To Seek The Truth.
Call The Almighty, The Creator,
And Ask Him To Guide You To The Truth!
"It is your soul, your journey of salvation, your happiness and your success in this life and the hereafter"
"You Owe It Yourself…
You Struggle For Money,
You Struggle For Daily Pleasure, And You Put
In A Lot Of Effort To Study
About Your Diet, Your Weight, Your Nails,
Your Hair, And Your Shoes"
"But, how much do you struggle, how much do you seek and how much effort do you put in for your own faith and for your own salvation?"
This Message Is
The Message Of The Truth
And The Message Of Honesty.
If You Think Not, Then Ask Yourself Why...
"Do I care about my life? Do I care about my death and my life after death? Do I care about my soul?"
If you’re interested, please go to my library and try to spend some time watching the video "Q&A: Where are We Going?" or “Thought and Food for the Soul." (Both found in the first Video Series, “From Darkness to Light”)
Raise Your Hands To The Sky,
Call The Creator,
Take Sometime Off And Digest What
You Have Been Receiving
Remember: Today you have time, tomorrow you don't. Today you have a chance, tomorrow you don't. Be merciful to yourself, you owe it to yourself.
Four Questions You Should Answer:
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. Where am I going?
4. What is my goal and destination in life?
"Hurricanes, Earthquakes,
Volcanoes, Diseases, Mischief, Killing!!!
Where Are We Going With All This?"
I promise you: if you engage with us, we will lead you to the happiness of this life and the hereafter, by the will of the Almighty Allah (SWT), the Creator, the Light, the Most Wise, and the Guider.
"Now At This Time In Your Life,
You Need Allah. When You Enter Your
Grave,You Need Allah. And On The Day Of
Judgment, You Will Need Allah"
Come talk to us and listen to the call of light. Get engaged and ask questions. Listen to what we are talking about, maybe you will benefit. You will never lose! We promise you that you will gain something by the will of The Creator.
"Our Services Are For Free, We Get Paid By The
Almighty, The Most Generous One. We Believe
In Allah, The Provider, And We Seek
Support Only By Him"
We call towards Him, we live for Him and we ask Him to accept our efforts sincerely with truthfulness for Him. Ameen! Ameen! Ameen! Ya Rabbil-al-Ameen.
Daee Ahmed Moait
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